While students may be kicking back to relax or in the heart of summer activities, educators are often hard at work thinking ahead for the new school year. Your embrAPP is an effective tool to connect with the community and the students. Start planning your communication strategy now and the first days of school will feel like a breeze.
Here are 4 ways you can prep your embrAPP for the upcoming school year now:
1. Update Your App’s Information
Just like your website, make sure that your app is updated with latest information. New school or district leadership? New dress code? Make sure the latest information is available.
2. Involve the Community
Since the app is there to serve your school community, include them in the process to improve your app. Reach out to a few active parents and teachers and ask them how they used the app last school year. Get their perspective on what changes could improve the app and make their lives easier this school year.
3. Redesign Your App
Have you had your app for over a year? Time to refresh! Contact our Customer Success team via success@embr.mobi to learn about our latest design options and give your app a facelift for the new school year.
4. Create a Download Plan
Get more downloads during your back-to-school campaign. Be sure to include information about the app in your back-to-school packets for parents, create a web banner to add to the most visited pages on school and district websites, have flyers at all registration locations, and always announce your app at open house events. This is the perfect time to increase downloads and usership.
Preparing your app ahead of time by using these tips will help you increase engagement for student success and set the tone for the upcoming school year.
Don’t be shy! Have questions? Contact us via email at success@embr.mobi or by phone at 404-913-2737.
We’re always here to help.