Think of your mobile app as the communication hub for your school. It houses everything your parents, teachers, and administrators need to know about the goings-on at your school from school news and events to class material, meetings, staff directories, and the list goes on and on.
This is a lot of information to filter through. Because of that, posting your information in an easy-to-find channels make it the best way to increase parental use of your school’s app. If it’s intuitive and easy to navigate, it’ll become second nature to open it every time they’re looking for information about your school.
We have designed mobile apps for schools to support you in getting the information your parents need to know as quickly and efficiently as possible. In the app, we partner with you to create channels based on your specific school needs. You are then able to upload information pertinent to that specific channel. These channels show up to your users as icons labeled with the category name. For example, channels could include:
– Individual class subjects
– The school calendar
– Athletics
– News
When parents click on these icons, they will find the most up-to-date information related to that channel, keeping them informed and updated on everything they need to know!
Let’s say you want to notify your PTSA parents that the meeting time has changed this month. You would upload the change into the PTSA section of the app and use push notifications to alert your PTSA parents that there’s been an update. Viola! Instantaneous communication, allowing your parents to adjust their schedules accordingly.
Your parents can even receive their child’s class information through the app. All they have to do is click on the particular icon to gain the information they are seeking. Information like homework assignments, test dates, and student performance can be shared with your parents to notify them of their student’s progress. When there’s a specific need, the mobile app can facilitate the communication with your parents.
Through simple organization, you can make it easy for your parents to stay informed with the latest school news, events, and academics that matter to them. And push notifications aids you in alerting your parents when there’s been an update or something urgent in nature that requires a parent’s quick attention. With parents spending an average of 9 hours per day on a screen we help you reach them where they are instantly.
To learn more about how an app for your school can help you foster better communication with your parents, contact us here.