April 2015 School App Feature Update
April 24, 2015 by Crescerance
Greetings from Crescerance!You may already be aware of the product release that kept us busy this last weekend. Here’s a quick summary of all the new features now available for your apps: |
App Tour
You can now provide your end users with a tour of the app! Educate your users about the features in your app (available currently on iOS) and ensure they know what to do when they use it!
To get this for your app, select up to 6 images for your iPhone app from this page and email team@crescerance.com to request a resubmission of your app with the app tour included! |
New App Version Live Pop-up
Crescerance iOS apps now have the ability to show an in app message notifying users of a new app version. This will also be shown on all iOS apps when the app is resubmitted. |
New Photo Gallery
An updated, more aesthetically pleasing photo gallery is now here! Save photos to your device, or share them over email/ text messages / facebook / twitter! |
Content Sharing
The new version of the app will provide you the option to share PDFs, Photos, web URLs through the app via Text Messages, Emails, Facebook, Twitter and many other media! |
New Android App Framework
Our Android Apps have gotten a makeover! Get your Android phone app redone (at no additional cost) by contacting team@crescerance.com. The new framework will make your Android apps consistent in design with your iOS apps, and also make them compatible with all Android operating systems above Android 4.0.

Also introducing Crescerance Android Tablet Apps – contact team@crescerance.com to check them out and see if you would like to add these to your mobile suite!
For any suggestions on how we may improve the various product features, or to request new features for your apps, please do write to us at productteam@crescerance.com.
Customer Success Team