Just how involved do parents want to be in daily school communication? A recent survey found the answer to be quite telling. Over 55% of parents and guardians expect to…
What Parents REALLY Want From School Communicators…
April 18, 2016
Just how involved do parents want to be in daily school communication? A recent survey found the answer to be quite telling. Over 55% of parents and guardians expect to…
5 Ways to Increase Student Achievement through Family and Community Engagement
December 10, 2015
Numerous studies show that engaging families in their children’s education increases student success and decreases dropout rates. Research also shows that community engagement is essential for student achievement as well…
7 Ideas for Using Video to Engage with Students and Families
July 30, 2015
By: Britney Morgan Video has proven to be one of the most important mediums for creating engagement with followers on social media. Schools can leverage this medium to connect with…
Use Facebook to Increase Engagement within Your School Community
July 15, 2015
71% of online American adults use Facebook and there are over 1.25 billon mobile active users worldwide. 57% of people use their mobile phone to find out information about events…
5 Ways to Increase Student Achievement through Family and Community Engagement
July 1, 2015
Numerous studies show that engaging families in their children’s education increases student success and decreases dropout rates. Research also shows that community engagement is essential for student achievement as well…