As technology continues to evolve, so should parent communication. Schools and their teachers have a great opportunity to enhance communication and parent engagement by utilizing available technology tools. Here are…
5 Tools to Enhance Parent-Teacher Communication
June 8, 2016
As technology continues to evolve, so should parent communication. Schools and their teachers have a great opportunity to enhance communication and parent engagement by utilizing available technology tools. Here are…
April 18, 2016
SCHOOL BACKGROUND Haysville West Middle School is one of two middle schools in Unified School District 261 – Haysville Public Schools in Kansas. With 575 students in grade levels 6-8, the…
What Parents REALLY Want From School Communicators…
Just how involved do parents want to be in daily school communication? A recent survey found the answer to be quite telling. Over 55% of parents and guardians expect to…
Why Having a Strong Community Matters
April 7, 2016
What does it mean to have a strong school community? The answer may vary, but one underlying theme would hold true: consistent communication is the foundation of a strong school…
Engage and Listen to Your Parent Community with the embrAPP for Schools and Districts
March 30, 2016
Parents are often the most overlooked resource within a school community. But, why is that the case? With busy work schedules, multiple family commitments, and various other activities, parents may…
Why Parent Communication And Engagement Boost Student Achievement
March 24, 2016
Click here to download.
4 Tips to Help Principals Connect with Parents
August 2, 2015
1. Build a Learning Partnership with Parents. Find ways to deepen the conversations at home about what is happening in your school’s classrooms. Set the tone for parent engagement that…
Use Facebook to Increase Engagement within Your School Community
July 15, 2015
71% of online American adults use Facebook and there are over 1.25 billon mobile active users worldwide. 57% of people use their mobile phone to find out information about events…
How to Build Engagement with Parents and Key Stakeholders
July 14, 2015
Creating an atmosphere where parent engagement is a purposeful partnership that is culturally responsive throughout a school or district starts with district and school leaders. School and district administrators set…
5 Tools to Enhance Parent-Teacher Communication
July 8, 2015
As technology continues to evolve, so should parent communication. Schools and their teachers have a great opportunity to enhance communication and parent engagement by utilizing available technology tools. Here are…