This is the second edition of our five part series on the “Who, What, When, Where and Why of Mobile Apps for Schools”. Sign up for our newsletter for more of this series.
Can you guess who benefits most from your school’s mobile application? If you said EVERYONE, then you are right as anyone with a vested interest or a stake in your school can and will benefit from a mobile application for your school. In this article, we’re breaking down your stakeholders — teachers, parents, administrators and of course students — who benefit when you make the investment in a mobile app for your school or district.
This key stakeholder group is likely the reason you are considering creating your school’s mobile app in the first place and for good reason! A mobile app will keep your parents connected, informed and engaged with what’s going on in their child’s classroom and their extracurricular activities in real time in the place where you will be able to reach them the quickest: on their phone. As we learned in the previous post, parents of 8 to 18 year old children spend and average of over 9 hours a day on the screen of their devices.
In the age of mobile technology, parents now have heightened expectations of the speed of communications regarding updates or changes to the school’s curriculum, their child’s academic performance, changes to schedules or even lunch menu updates. Parents expect to receive pertinent information relative to their student’s school activities and achievement in the classroom, including their curriculum, a calendar of meetings and upcoming events.
A mobile app for your school allows your school to do all this and so much more. Your parents will never feel in the dark about what’s going on at their child’s school again.
Teachers and Administrators
All teachers have heard it. That, “I didn’t know there was a meeting” or “My child didn’t tell me about that assignment” or “I didn’t know I need to send my child to school with..”
Knowing these communications obstacles exist is frustrating and worrisome for teachers and administrators, especially when you want your students to succeed. A mobile app for your school will greatly improve upon these challenges and help you focus on providing superior education.
Teachers and administrators can use the school mobile app to connect directly and instantaneously with their students’ parents on any variety of issues like meetings, events, schedule changes and important announcements.
“What the community loved the most about the app was the notifications. We were able to let them about events, lunch times and things of that nature, instantly.”
Craig Tredenick, Executive Director, All Saints’ Episcopal School
Unique features through our embr Mobile Application like push notifications keep school communities — parents, teachers, and administrators — connected via a single platform. Thus giving teachers and administrators the ability to reach parents and other stakeholders in real time, wherever they are. With instantaneous communication, you can alert your school community of bus route changes, early dismissals, and upcoming events for example. The administration can also notify parents of important legislative changes or specific updates impacting each parent in the school or district with the click of a button.
With a mobile application your entire school community is connected to one calendar, allowing teachers, administration, and coaches to manage their micro-communities of students and parents in one central platform. This impacts students greatly as studies show that when parents are engaged with their child’s school, they are more likely to have higher academic achievement, increased attendance rates and more positive attitudes. Now that’s a win/win for everyone.
Up next in our“Who, What, When, Where and Why of Mobile Apps for Schools” read about when to use your school’s mobile app.